Holmes Lodge
No 4656
© Holmes Lodge 2016
Joining Freemasonry
Joining Freemasonry
Who would become a Freemason?
Any man of more than 21 years of age who cares for the world in which we live, who is prepared
to practise high moral standards and seeks excellence in all he undertakes.
Someone who believes in family values and who is willing to contribute to the betterment of
A law-abiding citizen who seeks the fellowship of like-minded men.
A person who believes in the equality of all men and in the existence of a Supreme being. Today
Freemasons are speaking out to spread their beliefs in a world which many feel has moved
away from standards which foster a caring community and ideals which nurture a better world.
Membership of Freemasonry is open to men of all faiths who are law-abiding, of good character
and who acknowledge a belief in a Supreme being. Freemasonry is a multi-racial and multi-
cultural organisation. It has attracted men of goodwill from all sectors of the community into its
We hope this website has been an interesting insight into Freemasonry in general and if you are
interested in exploring further please use the link on the left to contact our Secretary.